Facebook Is Not For All Industry

Almost all of us are engaged in Facebook. We update our accounts and we post the latest photos (even if we don’t look cute). We share videos of the most famous celebrities and we mock the simplest mismatch of outfits. However, do we really care about posts and videos about health? Only few people do. […]

Time to Open Facebook at Work

Most employers don’t allow their employees to use social networking sites during office hours. But you might want to change your mind with the infograph that I’m about to review. It’s not a shocking news that around 40% of the population use social media sites. I mean, who doesn’t want to be hip and updated, […]

Stop War With Bio Fuels

It has been centuries since war over oil started. And most people would like to put a stop on that. I’m sure that you are one of those. But what do you think is the best solution for it? What do you think can replace the so called ‘black gold’? The infograph below will show […]