Does Your Vote Counts?

Politicians would say, ‘vote wisely’, ‘you have the right to vote’, ‘practice your right’. Even if they don’t tell such, we know that it is our right to vote. However, I don’t think that power greedy politicians would agree to this. Do you know what they would really want to tell us? “Vote for me, […]

Why I Hate Internet Freaks

I’m sure that a lot of people hate hackers. I mean, they are good for nothing. All they want to do is mess up with other’s account. And you know what increased my hatred towards those people? That would be the infograph below. I’m not saying that the illustration is bad. It’s actually the other […]

Cellphones Are Deadly Weapon

Admit the fact that you can’t live without your mobile phones. In fact, right now, you have yours inches away from you. As much as you want to stay connected, you have to minimize the use of your device. You can call me a loser for now. However, I’m sure that you are going to […]