Are You Still Using Fax Machines? – There’s A Better Alternative

Decades ago, only few people would use email to send messages. Most would use snail mail. Or if you wanted to send documents faster, you would use fax machines. We cannot deny the fact that there are a lot of advantages when you use fax machines. But with the emergence of online messaging, do you […]

Male Poker Players, Watch Out for These Ladies

For centuries, men are perceived to be the stronger and the smarter sex. But over the years, women are struggling to be treated equally. Well, I think that the efforts are paying off. In huge companies, you’d see that there are women in the top positions. Even in science or in the arts, the female […]

Behaving Properly in Parks – What One Must Do

On days when one would like to relax, visiting a local park might be a good idea. Sniffing fresh air will do you good. Seeing other people laughing or playing Frisbee will lessen your stress. However, some of our local parks are being neglected or worse, being abused by other visitors. They don’t know how to behave […]