Less Alcohol These Holidays – Drunk Driving this Yuletide Season

Admittedly, it would be very hard to resist social drinking most especially during Christmas season. It’s as if, alcohol can make any conversation even more fun. In this infograph, you will see facts in relation to drunk driving per se and drunk driving during the Christmas. Remember to never drink and drive and if you […]

Sentiments and Stock Prices – Effects on Apple Inc

This infograph is a must share to those who are investing, or to those who would venture on stocks. Let’s talk about the content. It tells us the weight of sentiment to the stock price specifically in the case of Apple Inc. Starting the whole infograph with a paragraph is a good idea. After all, […]

Infiniti G and You, Growing Together

Smart. This is actually one of the first infographs that relates a human story/ evolution to their product. It’s cool, and somehow unique. It’s more personal therefore making it more appealing to their audience. You are actually learning a lot from this infograph. You can learn the history of Infiniti G, plus you are having […]